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Imaging of Arthritis and Metabolic Bone Disease - Expert Consult - Online and Print 
Barbara N. W. Weissman, MD 
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Get state-of-the-art coverage of the full range of imaging techniques available to assist in the diagnosis and therapeutic management of rheumatic diseases. Written by acknowledged experts in musculoskeletal imaging, this richly illustrated, full-color text presents the latest diagnostic and disease monitoring modalities - MRI, CT, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, DXA — as well as interventional procedures. You'll find comprehensive coverage of specific rheumatic conditions, including osteoarticular and extraarticular findings. This superb new publication puts you at the forefront of imaging in arthritis and metabolic bone disease — a must have reference for the clinician and imaging specialist.

Key Features:
  • Includes all imaging modalities relevant to rheumatic disease, and applications and contraindications of each, for balanced coverage.
  • Incorporates a user-friendly, consistent full-color format for quick and easy reference.
  • Provides osteoarticular and extra-articular features and findings to show how imaging benefits diagnosis and management of complex rheumatologic conditions.
  • Creates a one-stop shop with comprehensive coverage of imaging for all rheumatic conditions, including metabolic conditions and pediatric disorders.
  • Presents interventional techniques—injections, arthrography, radiofrequency ablation—to create the perfect
    diagnostic and interventional clinical tool.

Table of contents:


1 Clinical Applications of Multi Detector Computed Tomography in Musculoskeletal Imaging, Joshua M. Farber

2 Scintigraphy of the Musculoskeletal System, Nayer Nikpoor

3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Hiroshi Yoshioka, Philipp M. Schlechtweg, Katsumi Kose

4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Articular Cartilage, Philipp Lang, Mathias Brem, Gesa Neumann, Hiroshi Yoshioka, Christian Glaser, Bernd Bittersohl, Jeff Duryea

5 Arthrography and Injection Procedures, Kevin Carter, Sanjay Mudigonda

6 Dual X-ray Absorptiometry, Leon Lenchik

7 Ultrasound, Gandikota Girish, Jon A. Jacobson


8 Osteoarthritis of the Apendicular Skeleton, Barbara N. Weissman

9 Degenerative Disorders of the Spine, Tarak H. Patel, John A. Carrino

10 Imaging of Diabetes Mellitus and Neuropathic Arthropathy: The Diabetic Foot, Mark E. Schweitzer, Melissa Birnbaum

11 Stress Injuries to Bone, Richard H. Daffner

12 Traumatic Muscle Injuries, Tara Lawrimore, William Palmer

13 Imaging of Tendons and Bursae, Mary G. Hochman

14 Entrapment Syndromes, Mary G. Hochman

15 Drug Related Disorders, Barbara N. Weissman

16 Infarction and Osteonecrosis, Murray Dalinka

17 Hematologic and Malignant Disorders, HPOA, Barbara N. Weissman

18 Juxta-Articular Cysts and Fluid Collections: Imaging and Intervention, Joel S. Newman

19 Imaging of Infection, Amy Rosen Lecomte, Mohamad Ossiani, Piran Aliabadi

20 Imaging of Rheumatoid Arthritis, John D. MacKenzie, David Karasick

21 Scleroderma and Related Disorders, Leyla Alparlslan

22 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Antiphospholipid syndrome and Related Conditions, Vasculitic Syndromes, Barbara N. Weissman

23 Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies and SAPHO Syndrome, Joel Rubenstein

24 Imaging Investigation of Arthritis in Children, Andrea Doria, Paul Babyn

25 Pediatric developmental and chronic traumatic conditions, the osteochondroses, and childhood osteoporosis, Marc J. Lee, Jeannette M. Perez-Rossello, Barbara N. Weissman

26 Crystal Diseases, Catherine C. Roberts, Ethan M. Braunstein

27 Gaucher's Disease, Andrew A. Wade, Daniel I. Rosenthal

28 Hemochromatosis, Wilson’s Disease, Ochronosis, Fabry Disease, Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis, Barbara N. Weissman

29 Paget’s Disease, Fibrous Dysplasia, Sarcoidosis and Amyloidosis of Bone, Hakan Ilaslan, Murali Sundaram

30 Imaging of Total Joint Replacement, Barbara N. Weissman


31 Imaging Evaluation of Osteoporosis, Judith E. Adams

32 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: Migratory Osteoporosis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Kevin Carter, Joel Nielsen

33 Imaging Hyperparathyroidism and Renal Osteodystrophy, D. Lee Bennett, Georges Y. El-Khoury

34 Hypoparathyroidism and PTH Resistance, Parham Pezeshk, John A. Carrino

35 Rickets and Osteomalacia, Parham Pezeshk, John A. Carrino

36 Oncogenic Osteomalacia, Frieda Feldman

37 Hypophosphatasia, Parham Pezeshk, John A. Carrino

38 Fanconi Syndrome and Renal Tubular Acidosis, Parham Pezeshk, John A. Carrino

39 Soft Tissue Ossification and Calcification, Arthur H. Newberg


40 Percutaneous Spine Interventions: Discography, Injection Procedures (Epidural Steroids, Facet Joint and Sacroiliac Joint Injections), and (Vertebral Augmentation, Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty), Tarak H. Patel, John A. Carrino

41 Bone Disease Following Organ Transplantation, Raul Galvez-Trevino, Carolyn Boltin, Parham Pezeshk, Anil K Chandraker

Author Information:

Barbara N. W. Weissman, MD, Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Chief, Section of Skeletal Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA

Barbara N. W. Weissman, MD
772 Pages, 2009
$179.00 now $169.00 U.S.
ISBN: 978-0-323-04177-5  
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